BCM full form in RASPBERRY PI

What is the full form of BCM in RASPBERRY PI?

In this article, we will explore the full form of BCM in RASPBERRY PI . BCM stands for Broadcom SOC channel

Raspberry Pi is a popular single-board computer that has gained immense popularity among tech enthusiasts and hobbyists. It offers a wide range of features and functionalities, making it a versatile platform for various projects. One crucial aspect of Raspberry Pi is its GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins, which allow users to interface with external devices. When working with Raspberry Pi, you might have come across the term “BCM” in relation to these GPIO pins. In this article, we will explore the full form of BCM in Raspberry Pi and understand its significance in identifying the Broadcom chip-specific pin numbers.

What is Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized single-board computer developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It provides all the functionalities of a regular computer while being compact and affordable. Raspberry Pi is equipped with various hardware components, including GPIO pins, which allow users to interact with external electronic devices such as sensors, actuators, and displays.

Understanding GPIO Pins

GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi serve as the interface between the computer and external components. These pins can be configured as either input or output, enabling communication with external devices. GPIO pins support various protocols, including I2C, SPI, and UART, making it possible to connect a wide range of peripherals to the Raspberry Pi.

Introduction to Broadcom Chip

Broadcom is a semiconductor company that produces a wide range of integrated circuits, including the system-on-a-chip (SoC) used in Raspberry Pi. Broadcom’s chips are known for their high performance and low power consumption, making them ideal for embedded systems like the Raspberry Pi.

BCM: Broadcom Chip-specific Pin Numbers

BCM stands for Broadcom chip-specific pin numbers. In the context of Raspberry Pi, BCM refers to the pin numbering scheme used to identify the GPIO pins on the Broadcom SoC. Each GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi is assigned a unique BCM number, which helps in software configuration and interaction with the pins.

Importance of BCM in Raspberry Pi

Using the BCM pin numbering scheme is crucial for proper communication and control of GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi. Since different models of Raspberry Pi use different Broadcom chips, the BCM pin numbers ensure consistency across the various versions. This allows developers and users to write code and configure the GPIO pins in a standardized manner, irrespective of the specific Raspberry Pi model they are working with.

Pin Numbering Schemes: BCM vs. Board

While BCM pin numbering is widely used in the Raspberry Pi community, there is another pin numbering scheme known as the Board pin numbering. The Board pin numbers correspond to the physical pin numbers on the Raspberry Pi board. Although the Board pin numbering provides a direct correlation to the physical layout, using BCM pin numbers is recommended for better portability and compatibility across different Raspberry Pi models.

How to Use BCM Pin Numbers

To use the BCM pin numbers in your Raspberry Pi projects, you need to be aware of the specific BCM numbers assigned to each GPIO pin. You can refer to the official documentation or pinout diagrams provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation to find the BCM pin numbers for your Raspberry Pi model. Once you have the BCM numbers, you can configure and control the GPIO pins using programming languages like Python or C/C++.

Common Applications of BCM Pins

The GPIO pins identified by their BCM numbers have numerous applications in Raspberry Pi projects. Some common use cases include:

  • Controlling LEDs and other electronic components.
  • Reading data from sensors such as temperature, humidity, or motion sensors.
  • Interfacing with displays, including LCDs and OLEDs.
  • Driving motors and servos for robotics projects.
  • Communicating with other devices using protocols like I2C, SPI, or UART.

Tips for Working with BCM Pins

Working with BCM pins requires careful attention to ensure proper connectivity and functionality. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Double-check the BCM pin numbers before connecting any external devices to avoid short circuits or incorrect connections.
  • Use appropriate voltage level shifters or protection circuits when interfacing with devices that operate at different voltage levels.
  • Follow best practices for wiring and cable management to minimize signal interference and maintain a clean setup.
  • Take precautions when working with high-power devices or motors to prevent damage to the Raspberry Pi or connected components.
  • Regularly check for software updates and utilize reliable libraries or frameworks for GPIO programming to ensure compatibility and stability.

Troubleshooting BCM Pin Connections

In case you encounter issues with the connectivity or functionality of your BCM pins, here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow:

  • Verify the wiring connections to ensure they are correct and secure.
  • Check if the external device or component is functioning properly.
  • Review your code or software configuration for any potential errors or inconsistencies.
  • Consult online forums, communities, or official documentation to seek guidance and solutions from experienced Raspberry Pi users.
  • Consider using a multimeter or logic analyzer to analyze the electrical signals and identify any anomalies.

BCM and Software Libraries

The BCM pin numbering scheme is widely supported by various software libraries and frameworks for Raspberry Pi development. These libraries provide convenient abstractions and APIs to interact with the GPIO pins using the BCM numbers. Examples of popular software libraries include RPi.GPIO for Python and WiringPi for C/C++. Utilizing these libraries simplifies the development process and allows for faster prototyping of Raspberry Pi projects.


In conclusion, BCM stands for Broadcom chip-specific pin numbers in the context of Raspberry Pi. The BCM pin numbering scheme ensures consistency and compatibility across different models of Raspberry Pi, making it easier for developers and users to work with GPIO pins. By using the BCM numbers, you can configure and control the GPIO pins in a standardized manner, enabling seamless communication with external devices. Understanding BCM pins is essential for anyone involved in Raspberry Pi projects, from beginners to experienced enthusiasts.


What does GPIO stand for?

GPIO stands for General Purpose Input Output.

Are the BCM pin numbers the same across all Raspberry Pi models?

No, the BCM pin numbers may vary across different Raspberry Pi models due to the use of different Broadcom chips. It is important to refer to the official documentation or pinout diagrams specific to your Raspberry Pi model.

Can I use both BCM and Board pin numbers in my projects?

Yes, you can use both BCM and Board pin numbers in your projects. However, using BCM pin numbers is recommended for better compatibility and portability.

Are there any limitations to the number of devices I can connect to GPIO pins?

Yes, the number of devices you can connect to GPIO pins depends on the available pins and their functionalities. You should refer to the Raspberry Pi documentation to understand the limitations and considerations for your specific model.

Where can I find more information about BCM pin numbers and GPIO programming

You can find more information about BCM pin numbers and GPIO programming in the official documentation provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Additionally, there are online forums, communities, and tutorials available that offer detailed guides and examples for working with GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi

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